Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sexy Nut Cracker

Sexy Nut Cracker

John got very excited when he saw me holding the hammer and a packet of ginkgo nut. I think he knew what I was going to do with it. Saw me done that a few times, but never "hands-on" before. Well, I planned to cook ginkgo nut chicken soup before I saw the ginkgo nuts I bought many months ago.

Most of the ginkgo nuts turned grey, but I still cracked a few to check if they were still edible. No luck, they were mouldy and dried. However, "someone" was really happy when mama handed over the hammer to him. He had fun playing with hammer, cracking nuts and giggling. He cracked every single nut, great eye-hand co-ordination and pretty smooth wrist motion there. Claps... my sexy nut cracker!

Mama at the side observing him, realised that he used his left hand more often. Been trying to guide him using his right hand for pen, spoon, etc but seems like he is more comfortable with left hand.


Reanaclaire said...

so he will be left handed later on i guess.. left handed people are smart! by the way, he indeed looked very sexy la!! hahahaha...

Lydia said...

we hope he will be right handed,worried there might be inconvenieces if he is left handed.