Saturday, May 15, 2010


do re mi

John has been surprising us with his developing expressive language skills these few weeks. Every now and then we will get a lovely surprise from him. Share some here...
  1. Had dim sum for breakfast and he ate red bean bao. I wiped his mouth and told him something black (hei hei in mandarin) around his mouth. He replied "bao hei hei".
  2. He did wee wee at the toilet (still training him) and touched his urine accidentally. He said "mama, xuxu bery hot".
  3. He had soup for dinner, papa added lots of pepper in it. He tasted and said "sup very lala". lala - spicy in mandarin.
  4. Toilet training him, mama told him to do poopoo first then walk walk. He replied in mandarin "poopoo mei you" - no poopoo.
  5. When he needs help, he will says "mama, lai" or "mama help pis (please)".
  6. Few days ago, while having dinner. He said "ball ball yummy" after he took a bite of the meat ball. We did not teach him this word... surprised.
  7. One fine afternoon, he got himself a cup and said "mama, milk tea". Not milk, not tea... but milk tea!!

Never ending story with John... he has been doing very well in all developmental domains. Mama is proud of him. He is 2 years and 3 months now, and he can...

  1. Feed himself with spoon and/or fork with minimal mess on the table and around his mouth.
  2. Pour water from one cup to another - great eye-hand coordination skills there.
  3. Remember colours, shapes, body parts, name of objects.
  4. Understand the concepts, such as hot vs cold, in vs out, and full vs empty.


Okay... now Sean's turn. He (6.5 months) can now sitting up with little help, and shows sign of crawling. Started solid food, he is able to open his mouth when he saw spoon. He can respond to John's calling very well, and reaching out to objects around him.

Mama is happy with their achievements, all the hard works paid off with boys smiles and laughter. And... it is time for mama to take more care about herself slowly turn into a pretty and sexy mama. :D

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