Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Getting A Japanese Driving License (Conversion)

After living in Japan for more than year, hubby got me a small car as birthday gift. It motivated me to get a Japanese driving license because I cannot use my Malaysian international license anymore after a year in this country. Before I have my own car, I sometimes drove hubby's big old car which he said I looked like a mafia's girl friend in it. 

Now, I can drive in Japan legally at last. I thought my experience may be useful for some you, a foreigner who intend to convert a current driving license from your country to a Japanese driving license. Since there are more than enough information about the procedure, I would not repeat here. Here comes my experience converting a current Malaysian Driving License to a Japanese Driving License, in August 2013, at Kyoto Prefecture Police Headquarters.
  • It was a "long queue" when we made a call to designated Driving license division (belong to Kyoto Police), my appointment was fixed two months after our call. On my appointment day, I found out that I was only appointment for license conversion on that day.
  • After documents checking, it will be a short so-called interview which was not stated in the procedures. My interview was about how I obtain my license in Malaysia, basically it was like telling the officer the procedure of getting a Malaysian driving license. So, be prepared of this make sure you aware of current procedure. 
  • Knowledge test was a set of 10 common sense questions,10 minutes time will be given and passing point is 7/10. After the test, if you passed, you will be given a course map for the driving practical test. You will have 6 moths time frame to take your "unlimited" practical test, no appointment is necessary but you need to make payment and register on the day of practical test, between 8.30am to 9am. The test will be on 9.10am for foreigner(s), I was the first one for all 3 tests.
  • Yes, I took the test 3 times!!! Only got it on the 3rd times. My advise, your common senses in driving may not be practically correct in the test. I was quite confident as I did passed my Australian driving license on 1st attempt with a manual car and my common senses in driving. 
  • Reason I failed first attempt - worried too much about the time as the officer mentioned about "driving too slow will be causing jam", then I was like rushed through the test and too nervous till I turned into the wrong lane which was an instant fail.
  • Second attempt was all good till last part when a truck (also on a test)  gave me hand signal asked me to go first, which I knew he had the priority. On the actual roads, this is okay but during test, it is NOT OKAY even other party ask you to go first, DO NOT GO. I lost points because of this. And, the parking. I thought I did well, but the officer said my wheel did went beyond the yellow line on the side which caused me 20 points, it was one of the MUST NOT DO things in the test. OUCH!!
  • 3rd test, learned from all my mistakes and I passed!! And got the license on the same day after our lunch. So, the day of passing will be the day you got your license. 

Right, here are some hints and rules or things that they look for. You MUST show your understanding of these rules in the test NOT your common sense.
  1. Checking the car around before getting in, from the back to front.
  2. Getting start: Get in the car, seat belt on, adjust seat, adjust mirror, foot on the break+engine on, gear change, release hand break, signal on, physically turn to over left shoulder to check the back, check mirrors and blind spot then move the car.
  3. Approaching pedestrians crossing: Slow the car but DO NOT stop, show you are checking both sides.
  4. At railway crossing, stop, window down to check (sound), check left n right too.
  5. Changing lane, signal 3 seconds before changing lane. Check mirrors and blind spot then change lane.
  6. Always drive on the left lane.
  7. In the course, the longest straight road with the speed limit of 50, you MUST speed up to 46 or more but below 50 kph.
  8. Turning left, ideally 30m before turning should be driving at close to the left side as possible but DO NOT go beyond the line. Then, turn as close as possible to the left side, to prevent any cyclist squeeze in.
  9. Turning right, change to right lane 30m before turning, keep close to the right line but DO NOT over it. When turning, left side wheels will be passing by the small diamond shape metal fixed on the road (at the junction).
  10. When making S turns, drive slowly is okay but DO NOT stop.
  11. Parking, park car +-30 cm from the yellow line, and the front of the car must be align with the pole. 
  12. Car parked, foot on break, change gear, hand break on, engine off (foot must be still on the break).
  13. Check mirrors before you open and get off the car!!! After you are out of the car then the test is over.  
 Good luck and do let me know if you passed!!

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