Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sunday Outing

Sunday Outing

Last Sunday brought John out to shopping since he was "locked" for most weekdays. He was very excited about gai gai, and he learned that he has to put on shoes before going out. Once ready, he waited at the door.

We went out around 11am, and was easy to find a nice (right in front of the entrance) parking space when reached Queensbay Mall. Window shopped for awhile, then we went to Jusco for John's clothing. Bought him a pair of pants, one checked shirt and two sets of pyjamas. Papa wanted to buy a songkok for John, he said John looked good with it. Hmm... I just don't want to buy something that we don't use. So papa took few shots of John with songkok, and John posed for him!! Every one got something actually, mama bought a blender and papa bought a Casio Exilim Camera.

Then we had lunch at the Manhattan Fish Market, T had Fish and Chips Set while I got myself a grilled platter. After ordered, I realised they have kids meals too. Usually we will get an adult meal and another set of kids meal to share. It was too much for us with two adult sets. John ate little bit of fish, and lots of chips. Fish and chips was good but my grilled set was lower than my expectation.

Glad that John did not make too much noises even though he was tired and sleepy. Basically he would be happy if he can walk freely. Once we sit him in the shopping cart, he started to make noises.


Ley Mei said...

his hair is getting bigger..
His look always gib me the "calm" feel.. guess he must be a "peaceful" child.. (not very notty type la)

Ley Mei said...

sorry.. i mean was his hair getting longer now.. better looking di..

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Haha...John looked so cute with the songkok. He was okay with something putting on his head?

I never try the food at Manhanttan Fish Market. I wonder how is the price like...

yani said...

John pakai songkok..hahaha..
apa saje yg dia pakai semua nampak cute..

Manhanttan fish market sedap tak.. belum pernah lagi rasa.. teringin juga..

Lydia said...

Ley Mei,
Agree with you, he does look better with longer hair. Short hair makes him looks like naughty boy. :D

He was ok with thing on his head, looked happy when we said "mei mei". Sometimes I tied his hair with my rubber band, he was ok too.

Prices at Manhanttan Fish Market ok lah... consider middle range to me.

Songkok tu bukan john yg suka, papa suka lah tapi dia sendiri tak nak pakai!

Fish n Chips spicy flavour boleh tahan (ranggup!), yg grilled punya tak lah special sgt.

D4D said...

he is so so cute!!!