Thursday, August 06, 2009



John usually wakes up in the morning with good mood, this is what he will do...


Kiss Stories
John used to kiss me quite often, either I asked for it or not. Recently, I find it hard to get a kiss from him. I was lucky to get 3 unique kisses from him yesterday.

First: In the morning, I asked for kiss many times and he finally "kissed" me in exchange of my mobile phone. It was a french kiss but on my cheek. After he "kissed" me, he made funny face and said "yuck". @#$%!

Second: After he had his lunch (mashed potato with mince and vege stew in tomato sauce), he walked real close to me and I was trying to avoid him. He grabbed and kissed me on the cheek. Then, he looked at my cheek with mashed potato and sauce... he laughed! My naughty boy...!!

Third: Bedtime, I was about to sleep. He got up and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled with both my eyes closed. Guess what I got next?? Ouch!! A slap! He was trying to wake me up I think.


AgnesLoke said...

Baby John is so cute... Can't wait til my baby knows how to kiss me...

Lydia said...

Very soon you will get the yucky kiss too. :D