Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Busy Weekend

Family Photo

Awhile ago I agreed to contribute recipes to Y3K magazine, editors from Y3K Magazine came to my place for photo shooting last Saturday. I prepared 2 pastries and 6 Japanese dishes cooked with lotus root. Those recipes will be featured in next issue of Y3K. That family photo was taken by Richard, editor of Y3K. John was very tired, he was looking around then. Soon after they left, John fell asleep.

Sunday, went back to my hometown (KS) to get an important document... 4-5 hours drive from Penang! Then rushed back the next day cos T can't be away from office too many days. Was very good timing, brought back a jackfruit from KS. Mom planted some fruit trees just in front of the house. The car was fillled with the aroma of jackfruit, made it worse.... we bought two Taiping durians on the way back to Penang. Jackfruit plus durian = stinky car! I cut the jackfruit just now, it was very sweet and the flesh also quite thick which was much better than I expected. Will grab more next time.

Something about John, we are expecting his first step anytime. He can walk a few steps now... not sure if it is counted as first step? As for his vocal, recently when he made "eer eer" sounds mean he wanted to tell us something. John liked to climb up stair case, mama so nervous to see him doing that. He climbed up stairs at friend's house for the first time like he had done that before... very fast!! When we were at my sis house, my nephew was tired to "catch" him down from stair.


Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Congratulation for your great recipes will be published soon in the magazine.

I like jackfruit a lot. My mom also planted the tree.

Ooo...John started to walk now? Great news. Maybe you need to get a safety gate?

Lydia said...



I love to plant few fruit tree at home too in the future.

John still can't walk by himself, but quite steady when holding him with one hand. We don't have stairs at home, but thinking of the safety gate for balcony's door.

Ley Mei said...

hey.. i know u have a blog abt food, wow, u can really cook man..

nice photo.. did he gib u the negative/soft copy ? becoz it 's really nice and if me, i really want to make a few copies to pur ard the house.... keke.

Lydia said...

Ley Mei,
Yes, they sent me soft copy. I am still waiting for the magazine to be out. Should be in next issue, July/Augt.