Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Never Ending... Kyoto

I am quite busy with my life recently... busy for nothing actually. John is getting very attached to me, I can only spend his nap time and bedtime to online. Whenever he is around, he will either fight for the keyboard or close the screen (laptop). Planned to post more about Kyoto, but I think I am dragging too long... so please visit my picasa album if you are interested.

Lets talk about John, he is now quite stable on his feet but lack of confidence I think. He will hold on to something while standing, I like to make his hands busy with something such as holding cup with both hands and clapping.

Recently he likes to dance to music!! He will shake his bum when he heard music, sometimes he just flipping his music toy and shake his bum. Few days ago, there was a rock music after cartoon. He danced along... then the music changed to sembahyang (prayer), he stopped dancing, turned to me with big eyes and smiling face. He realised the music was different and waiting for my signal (social referencing). I replied him with a smile and didn't encourage him to dance.

Language wise, he can understand more words now and making more chain of sounds. I always said to him "good boy, good boy, good good boy" in a rhyme tone, he imitated the tone but he said "papa papa papapa".

He likes to play with onion! Maybe he thinks that they are balls. I leave a basket of onion on the floor, they were a bit wet when I just bought them. He will throw onions on the floor one by one as he observes its movement. Then, he will bang the basket against floor and wall....


After those hard works with onions... he will supervise me in cooking!


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