Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hair Cut

Papa and John's moment captured on cam, papa was trying to cut John's hair. John was ok with it at first but later on he was scratching around his neck like a little monkey. It was not haircut to me, more like having fun for both of them. 给妈妈的感觉很温馨!

I always remind papa to spend more time with John, to build the bond between them and thus will have closer and better relationship in the future. Now, John loves to have papa reading for him. He will pick up his favourite book and bring to papa.


cre8tone said...

Sweet moment :)

Reanaclaire said...

good boy, sitting quietly... :)

Lydia said...

little prince's mummy,
ya.. i love such sweet moment.

not at the end... jumping like litle monkey!

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Maybe papa can dust some talcum on John's back and shoulder before and even during the hair cut session. It will reduce his itchiness;-)

Lydia said...

Thanks for the reminder! I totally forgot that we have the dusting container and talcum at home.