Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Steps

Something about John, just to jot down before I forget...

  1. He is able to climb up and down the stairs by holding the grill at the side, and climb up and down the chair at the dining table without assistance. Fell down from chair many times, and made him a better climber now.
  2. After he finished a pack of biscuit, he put the wrapping in the bin without instruction from me. Also, he put a used wet tissue (was on my lap) in the bin without instruction. I praised him always for doing something right.
  3. He started to mimic dancing movements from the children's tv programmes. He loves the Japanese kids program on NHK very much. Jumping, dancing and laughing...
  4. When I said gohan (means rice in Japanese), he will sit at the dining table waiting for his meal. He can also climb up and sit at his highchair by himself. He is getting better at feeding himself with fork and spoon. He loves soup now... even Chinese herb soup he will drink.
  5. Started toilet training first step, he seemed understand what is xu xu and what is puut puut. He did xu xu at the toilet for few times when I asked, but refused to sit on his potty.


n33za said...

i tried to toiet train my son too..but he thought mcm playing session pulak.siap main splash2 dgn air dlm potty tuh..haih..nasib baik potty baru..hehe

and wow,john can feed himself already?any tips lydia?

Jean said...

xuxu and putput. haha. nice ones. babbies alwiz use.

ps you're invited to comment on my post too. =)

Lydia said...

I think it is still too young to toilet train our son at this stage.

Feeding self... tips = let him be messy, praise him, assist him when eating... also, get ready to clean the messes! :D John can feed himself quite well now, but I still need to teach him to hold the plate/bowl when scooping up rice.

You are here too! That's universal baby language.